Republican or Democrat? Neither |
I hate politics. Now I will tell you why I hate politics. The answer is simple: They lie. Every politician that has ever made it into the white house, the senate and house as well as the supreme court has lied. America by far is the worst of all. Every time I think something is about to change, there is some overly dramatic excuse of why they can't do anything. It's very annoying getting lied to just to get a vote.
Voting? DON'T. |
I don't vote at all. Here is why. America has told us that our vote is so important and this is a democratic country. Not really. America is a Democratic Republic country that is turning Communist each and every day. I don't vote because they rig it and say that its popular vote when a matter a fact its actually the Electoral College calling all the shots. Remember when Al Gore went up against George Bush Jr. and how Al Gore won the popular vote but the Electoral College chose Bush. Therefore, Bush won the presidency.
Cash flow always ruled the government. How much money they can scam off us. No matter what. Money is the root of all evil. Politicians can care less what happens to us all they want is to know is where the money is coming and going. That's it. That's why wall street is politician's bible.
What has America done for us? After having our ancestors slaving out in the fields in the South or slaving to build cities in the North and pretty much built this country from the ground up. Where is our compensation? We have nothing to show for it. Politics say that they would help us and give us equality but NOTHING! We are still in Ghettos, still struggling to pay our bills and can't afford decent clothes because we are worried about what we are going to eat tomorrow. This doesn't make any sense. After all of what our ancestors did, we get nothing but a "get over it". That's it. That's why I don't vote. Yeah I know about the stories of what Martin Luther King did but voting isn't going to help us. Plus, Martin Luther King was apart of the Freemasonry so there we go. He's a sell out.
That's why I don't mess around with voting because nothing changes. We are still in the same positions that we have always been. It's both a physical struggle and a psychological struggle. They are playing games with us. They don't want the system to change if they did that than we would see lots of improvement but because America is racist. We have to deal with the undercover racism that lurks in our backyards.
God Bless.
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