Monday, June 1, 2015

Organic Roots: God's People

Hi Everyone,

          I wanted to talk about our roots. For across the globe we have been shunned out because of our roots and thus making self hatred. We need to be proud of where we com from and know that we have made it very far. We are scattered all over because of our disobedience to God but by the Grace of Him we have been able to make it through, even the toughest situations.

         The problem that I have with history is that they only want to label us as the ones that got on slave ships and beaten by white people and then get underrated like dogs. It just didn't start with us being on slave ships. We were forced on slave ships. Before that we where a great nation. Towering over every situation that came our way. We are God's People. We are the legendary Hebrews that are spoken about in the Bible. We are trendsetters. We are unity and we are powerful when we stand together under God. 

         Look at our culture and what we have achieved. Everything we touched has been blessed by God. So why is it that we struggle with ourselves. We wrestle with our own selves as a people and as a person. We find it hard to be ourselves because we are constantly criticized by society, yet we wrestle with our own spirits because we go along with society. What are we to do?

            We go back to where it all started. Back to the beginning and back to our Organic Roots. What are Organic Roots? Well going back to the True Essence of who you really are inside. The Organic, the Original and the Powerful Hebrews.  

        Before slavery and before our settlement in Africa there is Y'isreal. So don't settle for less. Be proud of who you are inside. Know that you are important to God because He created you. We are fashioned by His Image. We are chosen by Him. So don't fall into society's trap. Just go back to being who we really are inside.

God Bless.

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