Thursday, November 27, 2014


     As a person who sits there and observes, I notices that Religion does divide us. Religion divide us so much that we hate each other based on it. Now we have reached a time of awakening, and we are now noticing that Religion is a primary source of division. That is true. However, they hate the division that religion has made so much that they dismiss the books with it. Okay, here's the deal about that. Religious practices are based off of the texts but it can be an idea that a person has made and then it is favored by the public and it becomes a custom. The things that you see on TV, does NOT reflect Original Customs. That is what the Vatican has done and masked their evilness and call it Mainstream Religion. 

     Yeah they deceived the whole entire world with this mainstream and now almost everyone who follows the mainstream way of worship is going further and further away. The main point in this is all of the religions have went astray from the original religious texts that it has been based off of. Hardly anyone now a days can tell us what the scrpitures say in the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, and even in the Tao Te Ching. As a spiritual teacher and student, I read all of them and I find their teachings to be on the same route. Some pieces that I have seen, other religious texts doesn't have. 

     Now all religious text come from one True Original Root:

The Hebrew Root

     See, the ancient Hebrews had all of the teachings and written them down and taught their sons and daughters what God has taught them. Until Rome came in and destroyed all of the ancient text. When Yashayah came down and taught the disciples they went everywhere and taught. Their teachings then where broken down to what we have today as World Religions. 

    Now we all know who the Biblical Hebrews are today. It is the Multitude of Colored Races from all over the world. We have lost our identity and now we are trying to find our way back to God. Now the division comes in when the white race tried to subdue us with white washed Christianity. Notice how they when all over the world with it and converted all the Native peoples from all over to follow this particular religion. I'm not racist at all its just the truth of it. Now, my people are so broken up that they condemn each other over different religions with the help of media that shows us all the wrong things. The Media teaches us what NOT to do. 

    We fail to understand that the savior's that we follow is all the same. God manifested Himself not just in one spot but all over. Yes, Israel is the only people that he knew but he had made us plentiful and spread us all over. So we have people all over. Just look up Afro- (whatever nationality) You will find us everywhere.



Afro-Arab (Middle Eastern)


      I'm pretty sure that you get it. We are everywhere. We traveled all over the world and seen many things. So why is it that we have religion divide us. It all stems in From One Root. Notice that there is One Man mentioned in all of the books. 

  • Buddha for Buddhism
  • Yashayah for Judaism and Christianity
  • Krishna for Hinduism
  • Allah for Islam
  • Saoshyat for Zoroastrianism

      All are mentioning a Savior Figure. As for Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity we see that there are similar sayings. We see that they taught about treating people with respect and not being too greedy, end desire and live simplistic. They talked about helping others, feeding and sheltering the homeless. They talked about the karma that you get if you do decide to do evil things. They talked about the different categories resulting in Heaven, Earth and Hell. They talked about all of the Believers going to Heaven. They talked about all the future generations falling into evil and going astray. They talked about all of these things. They are all talking about God coming down, taking the form of a Man and leading the people to a straight path. He came down more than once. Teaching us how to respect one another and the Universe.

       Over time, all of this knowledge has been lost but the Hebrew root is still there. Alive, well and still kicking. See it is up to us to come together and share the knowledge that we know. I am not talking about extremist and radical anything. All of that is not the Real True Original Customs that are based off of the religious text. See it is the mainstream mass manipulation of the Media. It is the damage of all of the ancient writings where evil civilzations have came in and destroyed everything. You see? The reason why we don't have a true complete guide that can help us get back to the right path is the fact that our ancient texts have been either scattered, buried or burned. That is also why God has manifested Himself many times to teach us because our writings have been destroyed by the evil spirits that go in men.

     So yes, I do agree that religion serves as a division, but the ancient texts which the religions are based off of are completely separated. Yes, I agree that there is only one way. However, there are many guides that will guide you to the One Way.

     There was a parable that my dad told me. About a leaf stem:

My dad said that there are many veins of the stem that are connected to one root. Imagine that the stem is the center core of each religion. And they are all connected to one stem, which is the One Way. All of the smaller veins are the little details of the religions and they are cutoff because it doesn't lead anywhere.

        In other words, all religions have One Root. I call this the Hebrew Root. And the Hebrew Root, was planted by God, the Creator of all things. Over time the Root was broken and scattered everywhere. Now the stems are formed into World Religions but the Root is still there which supports the stem. Then man didn't like the teachings and decided to change the writings over this course of time and now we have the smaller stems that are sprouting everywhere. And if you focus in on the small details or smaller stems you are wandering away from the Root. '

      I say this to say forget the small details when it comes down to following the right path. The small details as in most of the stories that are told in the books. Not all of the stories are true and the ones that are they have been altered by the Synagogues of Satan. They penetrated all Religions not just one. So we have to be careful of them. 

      As long as you treat people, nature, and the universe with respect and help others who are in need. Humble yourself and not worry about trying to "fit in", than you have the Hebrew Root. Regardless of what religion that you are under. 

Remember, all religions come from One Root. One Source. The Hebrew Root. This Root has been richly nourished by God Himself.


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